He/they|Shapeshifter|Sh!tpost3r 4 l!f3!!!

its called being crINGE!! Hello, i am.. SKELL3y!!! im aroace and a silly little guy who loves art and.. stupid things. some of my fandoms/interests, which is an ever expanding list; hatsune miku, TMNT, fnaf, marine biology, jelly fish, angel sharks, glass animals, and i will absolutely talk about it! Im also an alter in a system, and we might use we/us instead of i/me, but we wont specify fronters or any of that, no ty.
anyways, im a highschool student, and while i live in america i was born in australia and i miss it sooo much. I hate cringe culture and people feeling entitled to sharing their opinion, often rudely, about my appearance or personality or interests- so im here. Im on my little corner of the internet so that i can be cringe in this hidden place, where people like me can talk and hang out and be themselves. I want to reach and talk to people like me. Maybe even someone who moved and feel like theyre not apart of their home-country's culture enough and hate it.
i dunno. maybe im a little sappy. thats part of being consious, even if youre not human. Consiousness makes us similar, because we think. Even with all out differences, we are similar because we think. We can make decisions and have opinions, and that makes all of us similar. Yet- our life experiences are incredibly different. Me, who has moved around almost all my life, and someone whos stayed in one town for all of theirs, could either be completely different or almost the same person. And everyone has their unique, individual experiences that maybe ill never find someone like me, yet, the fact that someone is staring at this page and taking in my words and reading and thinking makes you and i so much more similar. Isnt that weird? I dunno. Im just rambling at this point. I'll do that often honestly.. so beware. you can either visit my journal page and see more of the rambles or go back to my home page.

ima be honest idk her
Yummy tea!
some really good tea!
quiz things

I failed this quiz, and catfish are awesome!

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